Old Too Soon & Smart Too Late

Have you ever been in a situation where it was to late to say goodbye? On the other hand, what about looking back on your life with absolute disgust at something you should have done but never did? That is what I am speaking of when I say, old too soon & Smart too late. I have had opportunities in my life slip away many times because I was either lazy, or just procrastinating about what I wanted in my life. I sat back and said to myself, that those opportunities or people will still be around when I need them and the reality of it was I never was able to get those chances again.

I remember talking to one of my friends a while ago, who mentioned an ex girlfriend that he lost because of his promiscuous lifestyle. He said for many year’s, he took advantage of the love she had for him because he knew she was not going anywhere. He would go days without seeing her, never giving her the time that she deserved and had other girls on the side. He was pure hell to the girl and finally she had enough of his shit. She left him for good and he never spoke or seen her again.

My friend truly has deep regret for his actions and blames all of his personal issues on himself. He said that he thinks of the life, he would have had with his ex if he were not so selfish. He spoke of his ex in a heavenly manner. She was someone who would give her last nickel to him if he needed it. She spoiled him rotten and was rewarded with disrespect and heartache time after time. There were never any dates or flowers brought home and those were the little things. He never got her birthday gift’s or Christmas present‘s, but she did all of those things and more. She helped finance a car for him, because of his poor credit and she was repaid with lies and cheating with no apparent end in site. He understands that he lost a rare breed of woman and it was his fault. Like I said, old too soon & smart too late.

I am constantly trying to find ways to improve myself on a daily basis and everyday I learn something new. With this issue, I understand that I have to seize the moment before it is gone. Maybe it is I simply calling my old grandmother to say how much I love her, or perhaps telling a beautiful woman how much I appreciate her conversation and time. Regardless of the scenario, I understand that time flies by faster than a speeding bullet and before you know it, you are forty-five, fat needing to lose weight, or simply too old to chase your dreams. No matter what it is, we all need to appreciate the time we have on earth and seize the opportunities at hand before you are too old & smart too late.

2 Responses to “Old Too Soon & Smart Too Late”

  1. Ok… Last comment… I am truely taken aback by your abilty to place the words in the order that paints a picture, that causes a physical reaction, that takes you back to a moment. Whether it was the moment when you told a guy that you aren’t having sex without a condom, the one where you can feel the greatness of having someone who truely loves you, the one where you truly feel crushed because the one who you trusted let you down. Again, sorry for 3 comments in one day. I will not comment anymore, but will continue to read. I am addicted to your words. God has blessed you with the talent of eloquency through placing your thoughts in sentence form in such a manner that most (if not all) of the world can relate. Not too many people are this real these days. It is much appreciated.

    • You keep writing comments as much as you want. You and others are the people that keep me writing, I m happy to have pleased you with my words. Thank you more than ever for enjoying my material. It is truely from the heart

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