Archive for Marriage


Posted in adventure, Cheating, goals, Heart, Love, Relationships, Romance, sex, Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on December 13, 2009 by William Harris
The Two Headed Monster


For every broken heart there is a person who crushed it”. Do you believe that? I do.

Now when I examine the stories of heart break and relationships, there is always one common denominator at the end of the story. The Two Headed Monster. What is the Two Headed Monster you ask? Well that is a man with two heads, one used for thinking and the other for total devastation of the heart. Now, I know what you thinking from the start, why is a man writing a story bashing his own species? Well, because the destruction that men bring to women doesn’t end with women only. I have lost countless guy friends because of the Two Headed Monster . Going all the way back to my years in college, I can remember losing a close friend of mine because of the two monster that I once possessed. I literally was selfish and didn’t care about anyone else except for myself and proceeded to take his girl. Once I did, he found out and we never spoke again. Sometimes I wonder why we as men let the ugly head below the neck ruin us. Can you tell me?

Lets take this Tiger Woods situation for a spin.


Now, in defense of Tiger Eldrick Woods, I sympathize for his situation because he is being cast as a villain. I believe that the women involved, who are doing US weekly interviews and smiling all on TMZ should be cast as whores. They knew the man was married with two children and they still proceeded to sleep with him and brag about it to the world. They should be chastised just as much as Woods and I am not seeing that. Yes, he is a billionaire athlete, probably the most famous sports figure on the planet besides Michael Jordan, but that doesn’t give him a mulligan to sleep around with every chick he sees. I won’t go into how stupid I think he was in getting caught, because that will be the butt of the joke for the next 20 years. I just think Tiger was taking over by the Two Headed Monster in him and it showed by looking at some of the women he slept with. 90 percent of this women were decent at best, none of them were more beautiful than his wife and he could have least picked better looking women. I know, he shouldn’t have picked anyone at all, but I am just saying, why put your wife through the most embarrassing moment of her life, sleeping with average women. Where are the Sports Illustrated models or Victoria Secret Angels?

Now I am not a religious man, but I do believe in GOD and sometimes I wonder if he knew what he was creating when he placed the penis on a man. Did he think, this is going to ruin the world or did he say to himself, I am going to be very entertained watching men destroy my precious creation, WOMEN. I like to think that he is shaking his head at his own creation, especially if we are created in his image.

The Two Headed Monster is a very selfish person, he is without thought or feelings. He allows himself the courtesy to do as he is pleased and never deal with the repercussions that comes with his joy. We have children all around the world without fathers because of the Two Headed Monster . There are countless women who have turned lesbian because of the Two Headed Monster . Best friends have become enemies and people have even sadly died because of the two headed monster. No matter how big or how small, the two headed monster clouds our judgment and allows pain and destruction to consume us.

One night of joy can lead to a lifetime of pain and guilt. That is something we all have to deal with, women and men alike, but the Two Headed Monster seems to be like a special needs child or someone with ADD, always looking for attention and never really understanding or listening. That is the problem, I think a man can be mature mentally up top, but below, some men will always be that 13 year old boy who discovered the playboy in his dad briefcase. That is something women and men alike will have to deal with for ages to come, people are the same no matter what year it is. The Two Headed Monster has been around ever since the Ice Ages. I can picture a cave man whacking his friend over the head with a club because of the two headed monster in him. How about Kane and Abel, I am sure the Two Headed Monster caused Kane to slay his own brother over some selfish nonsense.

No matter how rich or how poor, the Two Headed Monster seems destined to be around for eternity. The only thing I can say about it is, we as men need to began the battle. Good Head vs. Bad Head. The victor remains to be seen, but I do know it’s a personal battle. I chose to stay single a lot of years because of the Two Headed Monster in me. I was able to be free of guilt and free of breaking hearts. It was only until recently that I discovered that my head above was more powerful than my head below and for me, that was victory number one.

God Bless

Letting Go of Unhealthy Attachments

Posted in Cheating, goals, Love, Relationships, Romance with tags , , , , , , , , , , on December 13, 2009 by William Harris

Letting Go of Unhealthy Attachments

The past is something we should use to pilot our future, not something that should have power over or direct it. When we allow our past to dictate what we do now, we are no longer in control of ourselves.

You will never drive life’s highway without sometimes hitting bumps like regrets and heartache. When you do, it’s easy to get stuck there, gazing back into your rearview mirror at the past like a lost soul. That is the same with relationships and many people tend to let their past dictate their future inevitable missing out on someone great, who didn’t get a chance a fair chance to prove they weren’t’ the same guy who treated you like crap.

On the outside, people can appear to be the same sometimes, but that doesn’t mean they are. I have met so many women in my life that have accused me of being like someone they dated, without even letting me have a chance to prove that I was unique in my own way. This did not make me mad or frustrated, it actually turned me off, because here I was, a guy who was genuinely interested in a woman, who I wanted to spend time with and she is reminding that I was like a past relationship and it was making it hard for her to really trust me. So I refused to be labeled and I came up with ways for a troubled hearts to be mended, so they could move on. I wanted to make people understand that pushing a person away is not the answer and it only alienates you from good people who want to see you happy.

For one, holding onto sullenness after someone has hurt you will only continue to hurt you more by poisoning your heart and soul. People need to understand that there is only one antidote to that poison and that is moving on. You have to decide not to allow people who have wronged you to keep controlling your life. You have to remember what people have done to you and never forget, but you must embrace a positive future and think that the next person or situation that comes in my life will be positive and not negative. You can’t let the grim past clutch onto your future and stay there like plaque on teeth. You have to cleanse your mind of the unhealthy past and think that what you learned or went through will only make the next relationship or situation better.

Secondly, understanding that it’s healthy to remember your past as long as you’re learning from it and remembering how it can help your future situation for the better. But you must beware of becoming so engrossed with your past that it begins to dictate your present and future. Don’t let your past define you; that’s not healthy for you or the person that you are trying to give your heart to. You have to understand that you’re not a victim of your circumstances and that no one but yourself can tie you to the past; you decide whether or not to move on, not anyone else. Realize that your experiences in life aren’t just for your own benefit – they’re also designed to help other people. You can apply what you’ve learned about moving on to encourage others to do the same. There is nothing better than seeing someone help a person through a tough situation they also went through.

Last but not least, how many times have you heard a person say they don’t want to get involved because they don’t want to get their hurt broken again? While this seems like a reasonable outlook after dealing with such a “controlling, lying, or cheating” partner, it is really just a crutch.

When a person compares everyone in their future with the people of their past who have hurt them, they are voluntarily letting the them control their future as well. They are still attached to them in a way that is even worse than when they were together, because now, it isn’t even a real person who controls them, but a shadow of bad memories. It is up to you as an individual to not let yourself be controlled by your past’s ghost. You must remind yourself that you are not with them for a reason and they didn’t deserve you in the first place. Once you come to embrace that you as a partner deserve to be treated like a king or queen, you will then fully understand that the past is the past and it can’t control the beautiful future that awaits you.



Posted in adventure, Cheating, goals, Love, Relationships, Romance with tags , , , , , , , , , , , on December 13, 2009 by William Harris


Me and you were placed together since we were little, you knew that. I knew you better than your own parents. I was there with you all the way through your good times and all your bad. It was like we were pre-arranged to be together earlier than our births. We were created for each other . I still remember the times when we were little and would just sit in the window and gaze at the sky all day. Spring and summer, was both our favorite times of the year, and we loved to stay outside on the porch and listen to mother nature howl its sweet voice.



I still remember those times when guest would come over to the house and just stare at us for hours like we were brand new puppies. You would get all shy and tell me to shield you and I always laughed. You always had a fear of being taken away, but like I told you, we were created for each other and nothing was going to divide us. Remember those times in the winter when we both were so cold, we used each other as blankets? The way you smelled the first time I held you was like sweet candy, I felt like Willy Wonka.



Words can not describe how lucky I was to have been chosen to be your partner for life. I made the pledge to be your base and protect you for life and I did that. Even though others, more colorful and dynamic could have easily been pick for the job, you chose me to be with you until the day you perished. The dejection in my heart was evident, I thought I would never see this day come. I surely thought you would either leave me or I would breathe my last breath first. I never expected to see you die so soon.



I’ve always understood that all great things have to end, but I didn’t expect it to have ended so soon. It seemed like the more you aged, the more beautiful you got. You were so fearless in your last days. The warmth I provided was just not enough and it seemed like GOD was simply calling you home. There was an extraordinary innocence about your core values that made this much harder than it already was. You never betrayed yourself and you always stayed devoted to me. For that I am graciously thankful.




With your last breaths, you said I was the perfect accolade to your life.

I just want to remind you with this letter, that it was an honor sharing my life with you. Without you I am empty on the inside(literally). No one will ever be able to replace the hole in my heart that was created when you died my dear. I just want you know that once I die, that will be the day I begin to live again.


The day I, the protective VASE gets to be with his perfect FLOWER again.

You were my everything my love and I will love forever


Still In Love With My EX

Posted in Relationships, Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , on December 12, 2009 by William Harris


Yes I was the one bad mouthing everyone I knew that always went backwards and not forwards. I am 27, still young and healthy and I left her when I shouldn’t have. I can admit that I was wrong. I’m sorry to all of you that I have bashed, now I look like a damn fool. I have to admit, I’ve been estranged from her for awhile and I thought that my feelings for her were over. She meant everything to me in the world. Every single day I had her in my possession, I felt like a new man. She brought ecstasy and glory to my world. She made me a better person and I give all credit to her. I sat back and watched you fall better men Dwayne, Lebron and Carmelo. You even gave guys from overseas a chance. Anyone who has ever been in love knows they would have never take you for granted. I take all the blame for letting my relationship with her go down the drain. I pity myself everyday for neglecting that beautiful lady. I have sat back for years and watched person after person succeed in life. She were my golden ticket and I let you go. There is no reason I should get a second chance, but I sit here today as a humbled man asking her for it. I will get on my knees in front of the whole world and beg her. The economy has a strangle hold on our country and in these tough times, we all need support. She was my crutch, anything I desired, I got it from her. She allowed me to see the world in a different light. When I came home, she never was upset,  just smiled and welcomed me back. That is why I need her, I need that love from my baby.

I don’t want her to give me answer right now, I just want her to sit back and watch. Watch me work harder than ever to win her back. She out of all people,  should know that you could have anyone in the world. She is the most beautiful thing ever created in my eyes and I will die trying to get her back.

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She is so special to me and I want you all to know, the whole world, I am in love with my ex, yes deeply in love.

Who is she you ask? Her name is Basketball and I would never not love her again.

Giving up sex for the greater good

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , on October 16, 2009 by William Harris

I can hear it now from everyone I know. “You are crazy” or “You can’t do it”, But in fact I can. What am I talking about you ask? Well it’s the one thing we all lust for, SEX.  No, I did not turn Christian, but I am going on 10+ years of being sexually active and now I just am taking a long break. Why am I doing this you ask? Well, it’s the world around me that has driven me to this decision. Pointless outings with women, who mean nothing to me and STD’s/STI’s that are everywhere are a strong reason as well. The careless acts of people around me everyday, has caused me to stop in my tracks and get away from what I enjoy (sex) and focus on other things in my life. Acting and writing are things that I love, so I will definitely focus my time improving those talents to pass time. It will be hard and frustrating, but I am content on finding someone serious that I actually like before having sex again. This also will allow me, not to waste time on women who mean nothing to me. I am not trying to offend anyone, who may think I am talking to them; I just want to get away from the madness of clubs, lust and pointless actions and focus on myself. I don’t care how long it takes, I will masturbate everyday if I have to, but William Harris is leaving sex alone.


They say more than half of all people will have an STD/STI at some point in their lifetime. This is a scary fact, when you look at how many people are sexually active and how careless people are when it comes to sex. Also, the estimated total number of people in the US living with an STD is 65 million. If that doesn’t wake you up this should. They say, one in two sexually active people will contract an STD/STI by age 25 according to ASHA (American Social Health Association).

I have met many people who said, that at some point in their life, they have contracted a STD, by being careless when it came to sex. Whether it was Chlamydia or Gonorrhea, they got it and were very surprised at the news and didn’t know how to react to it. Herpes is everywhere so much; that it has became a stigma of acceptance in America. It is estimated that as many as one in five Americans have genital herpes, a lifelong (but manageable) infection, yet up to 90 percent of those with herpes are unaware they have it. With more than 50 million adults in the US with genital herpes and up to 1.6 million new infections each year, some estimates suggest that by 2025 up to 40% of all men and half of all women could be infected. The worst thing about it is, a condom doesn’t always protect you from this STD and you can get it without any knowledge because it can be passed without obvious signs of the infection.

With all of that I am saying, I haven’t even gone into any other STD’s and won’t because you should get the point already. So yes, STD’s is one of my main reasons I am leaving sex alone. Why?  I am scared of everything when it comes to sickness and disease. I am no saint and not trying to be, I have acted in a careless manner before when it came to sex, but I have been very fortunate not to have ever gotten a STD. I have no explanation why I was careless, but in the words of Alex Rodriguez. “I was young and stupid”.


With relationships being non existent and infidelity on the rise, I find it very difficult to do this, but I have no choice. This allows me to cut off people from my life that don’t appreciate my time and it will help me find someone that I really want to be with. I really feel now that I am actually taking time to find someone; it will allow me to meet someone who is truly special. Sex will always be there for me and it will never go anywhere, so me taking a break from sex to focus on my personal goals, is something that I will do and I feel good about it. 

From experiences, there is no greater feeling in the world than sex with emotions. It is by far, one of the most pleasurable feelings on earth and it’s a shame people don’t experience it more often. I am a 27, with no children, no criminal record and two college degrees, a rare thing according to some women and I could easily be a player and sleep with many women if I wanted to, but I refuse to. I am not getting any younger and I still to this day have been in shallow relationships, with women that were short or meaningless. I have loved one woman in my life and that didn’t end the way I wanted, but I learned from it. What I learned was that no matter how you may feel about being single or what you think about freedom, nothing is better than a loving partner, who has your back no matter what. 

 I don’t want to ever look at sex in a way that makes me regret it. Women need to watch out as well, as I have informed many women before how shady guys can be. As you know condoms can be frustrating for men. They don’t give you the same feeling sex without a condom can, but still that shouldn’t stop a man or woman from using one anyway. Some guy’s have told me, that they actually take off condoms during sex, without a woman even knowing. They said, they literally turn the girl around and take it off when she is in doggy style position. WOW. How dirty is that? Some of you women are reckless as well, with not asking men if they have condom’s on. There is no excuse for this, so don’t give me the drunk or they smell clean excuse. Just because a person looks or smells clean, doesn’t mean they actually are. Strap it up……….

  I don’t want to drag this discussion on all day, but I want people who read this to feel where I am coming from. I don’t want to point the finger at anyone who lives life the way they want, I just try to avoid people who don’t care about getting to know someone before they give themselves away. Also, one of the really sad thing about STD’s when it comes to sex, is you will always get it from someone that you probably trusted. Someone that you thought gave you their word, when it came to trust and protection.

 But honestly, protect yourself as much as possible people and be smart about what you are doing. Until then, Sir William will remain free of sex until I find woman, who makes me feel like the little boy that got the checkmark in the yes box on the love letter 🙂

You Use To Be My Rose

Posted in adventure, Cheating, goals, Heart, Love, Relationships, Romance, sex, Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on August 27, 2009 by William Harris

You Use To Be My Rose


Will Harris

Once upon a time you were my perfectly pick flower, a rose that stood out of a dozen. At first you seemed to be like the rest of the bunch when it came to appearance, substance and quality. All were exquisite to me at the time, but you stood out like a unicorn among fine horses, just pure beauty you were. I gravitated towards your essence like a bee to the core of a perfect flower. I was fascinated by your splendor and smell from the beginning, but as I came to know more about you, you taught me that deeply rooted in your DNA, was a bloodline of enthusiasm, grace and positivity that made everyone and everything around you feel enhanced.

“You use to be my rose”

I loved you from the moment I laid eyes on you. Anything I did, you were by my side. You were my support and I was the sunlight you greatly required. My love for you flowed like the water you thirst for. I was your protective vase and I became the essential shade that you needed on a daily basis. You were very distinctive from all of the other flowers that I came across in my life. No matter, where I was or who I was with, my mind stayed on you. There was no comparing when it came to comparison; you were the Babe Ruth of flowers.

“You use to be my rose”

Sometimes it feels like I hear your footsteps outside my door. But I shouldn’t think that because you are not mines anymore. You did everything right to keep me and my ambiance beautiful. I became lethargic as you continued to shine through my bullshit, and sooner than later, you finally gave up on me. I don’t blame you though, you deserve someone great. Someone who knows what a perfectly picked flower is. Someone that is gracious enough to sacrifice their own time to make sure you are well taken care of.

“You use to be my rose”

I indeed did what every amateur florist does, and that was taking you for granted. The sunlight I once was became as dim as a dull light bulb. The water you once thirsted for, became as dry as a desert lake. I am without words because I took your innocence and beauty for granted. You were the most loyal thing I could have ever asked for, and I couldn’t provide the simplest attention that you warned for to keep you happy.

I don’t deserve you and I don’t want another chance. All I ask is that you find someone who does. You are too rare to be taken lightly, and your exquisiteness should be in the presence of someone who cherishes such a thing. I know now that you are by far the most precious thing I ever had and it is far, far too late to step up to the plate……

“You use to be my rose, rose, rose”………

“But not anymore”

Appreciate Life The Way You Want

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , on March 6, 2009 by William Harris
We all go about our lives, scrabbling to keep our own identities in a world that seemingly doesn’t care nor has no time for the individual, especially in relation to personal desires or aspirations. Sometimes we get bogged down ourselves, immersed in our own problems and responsibilities, finding it hard to keep up with what is expected in life.


Every once in a while it is good to be able to step back, to see the bigger picture of what human beings are all about, and just what kind of impact can we have as individuals in society.
Every so often we hear or see something, whether it be in a book or magazine, in the media or a personal encounter with someone, that brings a little light into our life and gives us the inspiration to do something that is going to make us feel better spiritually.
Sometimes we need to be reminded that one of the most important things that we search for in life is inner peace, and sometimes we may need a gentle push in the right direction to find it.
Reading something that is going to bring a little light to your thoughts and make you pause and think about certain issues is a wonderful thing. It means that you have been personally influenced by someone great, who may have lived many years ago and I find that inspiring itself. That even though some of these people may have died long ago, their wit and wisdom is still having an impact on how we behave and think in the modern world.

My Thanks To All Single Parents

Posted in adventure, Cheating, goals, Love, Relationships, Romance, Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on February 28, 2009 by William Harris

            I never thought I would ever fully understand how hard it is to raise a child alone. I just thought it was something that life makes you adjust to, no matter what. I have seen women and men, raise children on their own all my life, most of the time it being a woman. I never really cared to think about how much sacrifice and heartache they go thru time after time. I thought I would have to have a child of my own, to really understand the dedication a single parent has to make, to make life normal for a child being the only parent involved…..

            I am not here to bash dead beat parents, who were too cowardly to man up to their responsibilities. That’s not for me to judge. There are many men and women who take full responsibility to raising their child even when they are separated. I am here to honor the people who do it alone and have no complaints about being a single parent…..

            I was raised by my mother and grandmother and never had a father figure in my life. My biological father has been absent 99 percent of it and the memories I do have of him are visiting him in prison when I was a child. I don’t make excuses for my life being difficult because I never had my father present. I think my life may have been different a little bit, if I would have had a father in my life to show me things. For example, how to shave or talk to girls, dribble my first basketball or throw my first right hand punch and attend my graduations. Maybe my life wouldn’t have some holes in it, but I don’t think it would have altered the way I am as a person. I am happy with my life, because my single parent chose to make my life great no matter what…..

            The unspeakable strength that a single parent has, is something that god only knows. Think about the woman who is left to take care of two twins, because her children’s father decided he doesn’t want to be with her anymore, so he leaves her to be with another woman. What about the widow of a firefighter, who is left to take care of her four children after her husband tragically, dies, trying to save a burning building. Where does a single parent get the courage and strength to go on and continue life? How do they keep a smile on their face, when they know it is their sole responsibility to raise the kids? My answer, I don’t know. Whatever it may be, it has to be a special gift from god. ….

            I am 27 years of age and I have no children. I have lived all over the world and I have met countless women time after time raising children on their own. The interesting thing I have noticed about all of these women was the fact that I never heard excuses. Never!!!!!!No matter where I was, Chicago, Las Vegas, San Diego, Phoenix, Los Angeles, Atlanta, Orlando, Minneapolis, Australia, Greece, Malaysia and London, women never made excuses. They took the loss of the chin and kept it moving. It was sad to hear that most of these women were raising children on their own, because a man decided he didn’t want a kid, after he had a significant part in making it. But that didn’t matter to the women I met, they were like, fuck him. My child will be ok and have the best life he could have. To me, I was like, damn, I wish I had that strength. But that’s the special gift that single parent possesses.

    So to all the women and men out there who are doing it alone, I want you to understand that I appreciate you. I respect you more than anyone in the world. You are head above shoulders over anyone else. The strength you have to raise a child go on is a joy to see. You give me courage to go out into the world and achieve anything I want to do. For it is you, that makes the world better. I want you all to know that no matter what, there are people like me out there that understand, respects and appreciate you. You are the true definition of a hero….God Bless

Shallow: The Story of Dave Sanders

Posted in adventure, Cheating, goals, Love, Relationships, Romance, Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on January 27, 2009 by William Harris

Shallow: The Story of Dave Sanders: Part One

Shallow is a word that has much meaning to many things. The definition means, having little depth, penetrating only the easily or quickly perceived, penetrating only the easily or quickly perceived and interest in the lowest common denominator of human concerns, especially social status. Whatever your definition of shallow or shallowness is, we all have an idea of what shallow means.

The story of Dave Sanders is an interesting story that has a complex ending. But first lets me Dave and find out who he is.

Dave, who is a 33 year old, white and very successful businessman from Chicago, moved out to Los Angeles in 2008. After selling his successful real estate company in 2007, to a larger investor, Dave was set for the rest of his life. No one knows the amount of the sell, but some reported he earned a lump sum of 80 million dollars. He was young, attractive and very intelligent. But by no means was Dave born into money. He grew up very poor on the west side of Chicago and saw his mother work 3 jobs to raise him and his three siblings. His father was not present in his childhood and he carried a scar of a fatherless childhood around for a long time.  He went on to study business management at Parkland Community College in Champaign, Illinois where he earned an associate’s degree. He then took a job that would soon change his life. To make extra money, he worked as a personal assistant for a real estate millionaire out of Chicago.  After working as an assistant for a couple of years, he got interested in the business and ended up creating his own company and here we are today.


Dave’s personal life has always been great. He is tall, athletic and well spoken, so ladies attached on to him even when he was poor and couldn’t afford a slice of pizza. When he struck it rich with his business, his lifestyle didn’t change, but the type of women did. More and more beautiful women flocked toward him as he earned millions after millions. He would date model after model and never really seemed to find that “One” he was seeking. He always wanted a woman that reminded him off his mother, hardworking, respectful, but he seemed never to find it. So when he decided to sell his company and move out west, Dave thought that he might find what he was seeking in the city of dreams. Or he at least thought he would.


In June of 2008, Dave best friend Curt Dobbs came to live with him out in LA. Dave was living out in Los Angeles for a few months at the time and he was kind of bored living out in LA alone, so he invited Curt to come live with him. Curt was 27, an ex football player who grew up on the same street as Dave in Chicago. He was black, stocky, with a Hollywood personality. He spent time playing professional football in Canada, for the past couple of years and decided to give it up after he had got cut from the NFL for the last time in 2007. With dreams of being in the entertainment business, Curt was in his element in LA. He had the look and the gift of gab to talk to anyone at anytime and Dave loved that about his best friend. The duo was now set for the adventure of a life time and they both had goals and dreams to pursue in LA. The question was, were they ready for the harsh realities of what the city of angels really had to offer.


To be continued………………Part 2….tomorrow……

A Letter to the woman of my dreams

Posted in adventure, Cheating, goals, Love, Relationships, Romance, Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on January 14, 2009 by William Harris

A Letter to the Woman of my dreams!!!! Where ever you are


Hello, Future

This is your future husband writing to you from sunny, California. I may have met you already or you may haven’t came into my life as of now. The reason for this letter is i’ve been thinking about you lot. As the days go by and the economy gets tougher,i sit and think about how my life will be five years from now. In the wake of our soon to be first black president, i can only smile about how great my future may be with you.

If money grew on trees, i would get you anything you wanted,but i cant promise you that.. I have goals and dreams of being very successful and well off when i’m older, but i cant promise you that. There are things in life my beautiful lady that are confusing and complicated. I cant promise that things wont be stressful or tough for us in the future. There will be good times and bad times.

Vacations, cars, houses, gifts and a big fat wedding ring are all the things i have planned for the woman of my dreams but i cant promise you that. If dreams and wishes were granted for everyone, the world would have been destroyed along time ago. I ask you my lady, to bare with me. I am a man with great pride and ambition. I’m a stubborn man that will find his way to the top.. BUT i cant promise you that i wont fall once i’m there. I ask you to be there to catch me when i fail and be there to kiss me when i prevail.

Like i said before, this letter is for my future lady, the one i will never leave, cheat or take for granted. The one who in my eyes is perfect. The one that makes my heart cringe when i think of her.

I may have met her already and know her like the back of my hand or she may be some woman that i meet through a friend or at wal-mart buying soap 🙂 i don’t know…. I am human and do not control or know the future. I wont know until the day i decide to get down on one knee.. I told you before, i want you to have the finer things that life has to offer, but i cant promise you that we will have them.

But my beautiful angel, There is ONE THING i will promise you.

And that one thing is, i will spend my life trying every single day, to live up to what i wrote………..